has been actively involved in the world of music and pipe organs since childhood. learn more
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St. John the Baptist - Pawtucket, Rhode Island
In Cied Orgues Canadiennes Limitee (Canadian Organ Co.) 1924
This church edifice and organ combine to form an amazing ecclesiastic art deco experience. In the right hands, it's one those organs that you can't get enough of. The company that created it was formed by a man who had broken away from the Casavant company. With high pressure, extreme scaling, and innovative pipe voicing and construction techniques, he was definitely trying to position his company at the forefront of the avant garde in organ building. Yet, for all it's theather organ characteristics, it always remains tasteful and pious; the kind of instrument that upon hearing, makes you feel closer to God. When speaking about religious art, there is no greater complement than that.